Welcome to the University of Iowa

 Department of Physics and Astronomy

Host of the Nov 4th, 2000 IAAPT meeting

Lecture Rm #1 Van Allen Hall


Meeting Information:

  • Welcome Letter

  • Luncheon Information

  • A.V. Equipment

    • Video projector ( with computer input for Macintosh or IBM laptops

    • Computer and Drives available

      • 350 MHZ Pentium III IBM with Office 97 including : PowerPoint, Word, and Excel

      • 3.5" floppy

      • CD-ROM

      • Zip-Drive

      • DVD-ROM ( can be made available

      • Super Drive

    • Over Head Projector

    • VCR

    • Audio Tape Player

    • Video Disc Player

    • 16 mm Film Projector

    • 35 mm Slide projector

    • Video Camera ( can be made available upon request

    • Macintosh Computer ( is available if needed, however, any software of PowerPoint presentation should be sent in advance so that we can check for compatability)

    • Equipment Tables: these are lecture tables available for any equipment necessary for presentations

  • Schedule and Abstracts


Maps and Lodging Information:

To Van Allen From I-80
  • Exit at Dubuque St. South which is exit #244

  • Go south into Iowa City on Dubuque Street

  • At the 5th stoplight take a left onto Iowa Avenue

  • Go 2 blocks and you will see Lot #2 on the left side of the street

  • Turn left on Gilbert Street to get to the entrance for Lot #2

large map of area surrounding Van Allen Hall


From Lot 2 to Van Allen Hall


  • Walk west for one block on Iowa Avenue

  • The entrance to the lecture rooms of Van Allen Hall will be on your right

  • Conference Registration will occur in the foyer of the Val Allen Hall lecture rooms

small map of area surrounding Van Allen Hall



Extra map Information


  • Exit 242 turns into 1st Ave. South Coralville

  • Exit 244 is Dubuque Street South, Iowa City

  • Exit 246 is Dodge Street South, Iowa City



Section Representative's Report