Article I NAME

  • The name of this organization shall be the Iowa Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers.


  1. The facilitation of the dissemination of information among all levels of physics instruction in the State of Iowa.
  2. The improvement of teaching of physics
  3. The furtherance of appreciation of the role of physics in our culture


  • The geographical boundaries of the Iowa Section of the AAPT shall be identical with those of the State of Iowa. The corresponding range of Zip Code numbers is 50001-52809 inclusive.


  1. Regular membership shall be open to:
    1. Regular and emeritus members of the AAPT residing in Iowa
    2. Others whose regular membership in the Section, as judged by the Iowa Section Executive Council, will promote its objectives.
  2. Application for regular membership shall be sent to the Secretary.
  3. Voting and office-holding shall be vested in regular members only.


  1. Student membership shall be open to any student who:
    1. is a registered student in any university or college and
    2. has completed one year of calculus-based general physics or equivalent and
    3. is interested in the teaching of physics.
  2. Applications for member ship shall be sent to the Secretary. A regular member of the Iowa Section must sign the membership application for the student member certifying that the requirements of Section 1 have been fulfilled.


  1. The officers of this Section shall be:
    1. President
    2. President-elect
    3. Vice President: Four-year Colleges and Universities
    4. Vice President: Two-Year Colleges
    5. Vice President: High Schools
    6. Secretary
    7. Treasurer
  2. The officers listed in Article VI, Section 1, shall constitute the Executive Council of the Iowa Section of the AAPT.
  3. The terms of office for officers of the Section shall begin on the first day of January (following the election at the annual fall meeting). The person elected as President-elect shall serve one year as President-elect and the following year as President. President-elect shall serve from the following organizations on a rotating basis: four-year college/university, two-year college, and high school. The terms of each of the Vice Presidents shall be one year. The term of office of the Secretary and of the Treasurer shall each be for three years. The Secretary shall be elected in those years evenly divisible by 3. The Treasurer shall be elected in those years which produce a remainder of 1 when divided by 3.
  4. If a vacancy occurs during the term of office, the following procedures are to be followed:
    1. President: The President-elect shall assume the duties for the remainder of the year and will continue in the following year in the regular term as President.
    2. President-elect: The position would remain vacant until the following annual fall meeting at which time a President as well as a President-elect would be elected.
    3. Vice President: The President may in consultation with the Executive Council, appoint a replacement for the remainder of the year.
    4. Secretary: The President may, in consultation with the Executive Council, appoint a temporary replacement to serve until the following annual fall meeting. At that meeting a person shall be elected to finish out the remainder of the three-year term.
    5. Treasurer: Same as for Secretary as described in Article VI, section 4d.


  1. The representative of the Iowa Section to the AAPT Council shall be elected for a 3-year term by the Executive Council of the Iowa Section from those regular members who are also members of the AAPT.
  2. The election shall be held at the annual fall meeting in those years which produce a remainder of 2 when divided by 3. The term of office shall begin on the first day of January following the election.
  3. If the Section Representative cannot attend a meeting of the AAPT Council of Section Representatives, The Section Representative, in consultation with the Section President, shall designate a regular member of the Iowa Section who is also a member of the national AAPT to represent the Iowa Section at that meeting. The AAPT Secretary must be notified in writing of the substitute before the meeting.


  1. There shall be a permanent committee consisting of three regular members to select recipient of the Iowa Academy of Science’s Excellence in Science Teaching Award in Physics.
  2. The members shall be elected for a three year term except at the start when one member shall be elected for three years, one for two years and one for one year. Thereafter, one new member shall be elected each year. The newly elected person shall become a member of the committee immediately upon election.
  3. The Executive Council shall select a chair of the committee on the day of the annual fall meeting (between the time of the election of the new member and adjournment of the meeting).


  1. The President shall appoint a nominating committee at least one month prior to the annual fall meeting. The nominating committee of the Iowa Section of AAPT shall be a standing committee of the organization.
  2. The nominating committee shall be composed of two members elected to staggered two year terms. These members shall be from institutions of different levels (i.e., four-year college/university, two-year college, high school) The President of the Iowa Section of the AAPT shall nominate a candidate for the open position.
  3. The nominating committee of the Iowa Section shall nominate a candidate for each open position. Additional nominations can be made by regular members from the floor.
  4. Election of officers shall be held at the annual fall meeting and shall be by majority vote of those regular members present at that meeting.

Article X DUES

  1. The annual dues shall be set by the Executive Council.
  2. The fiscal year of this organization shall begin January 1 and end December 31. Dues for a given fiscal year are ordinarily collected at the annual fall meeting preceding the beginning of the fiscal year.
  3. Members twelve months in arrears on dues may be dropped from membership.


  1. The annual meeting shall be held in the fall of the year at a time and place decided upon by the Executive Council.
  2. The Executive Council shall have the power to fix the times and places of such other meetings as they believe to be in the best interests of the organization.
  3. The Secretary shall notify members of the times and places of the meetings at least forty days prior to those meetings. In the event that one of the meetings is a joint meeting of the Iowa Section of AAPT and the Iowa Academy of Science (IAS) the notification sent by the IAS shall be sufficient for members of both groups, but Iowa Section AAPT members who are not IAS members should receive notification.


  1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of those present and voting at the annual fall meeting.
  2. Amendments may be initiated by:
    1. The Executive Council
    2. Petition from at least one-tenth of the regular members of the Iowa Section of the APPT.
  3. Any proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least forty days proper to the annual fall meeting and distributed by the Secretary to the regular membership at least fourteen days prior to that meeting.

Approved Oct 30, 1993.