Gneral Info

Hosted by Nancy A. Woods. Pre-registration and presentation application available until November 17th.

Attendees should park in the Northwest Lot and enter the Academic Building though North door #16.

DMACC Boone Campus map

Tentative attendance (as of 11/15/2023): 13

Complimentary lunch to be provided by DMACC.

Mystery Equipment: Have an apparatus, but no use? Bring any and all such equipment to the meeting for input, ideas, and identification.



Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 8:30am to 3:00pm


Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC), Boone Campus
1125 Hancock Drive
Academic Building, Room 200
Boone, IA 50036


9:00 to 9:20 - Introduction from Host Institution, Nancy Woods

9:25 to 10:10 - Keynote Presentation
Presenter:  Matthew Nelson, Iowa Space Grant Consortium


10:15 to 10:30 - 15 minute presentation

Title: Using Graphic Novels to Engage Students in Physics

Presenter: Jason Ho

Abstract: Incorporating graphic novels into introductory physics courses can help engage students in a unique way that captivates their attention and imagination, particularly with abstract ideas that can be difficult to visualize. Here, I present a few ways I have been using graphic novels in my introductory physics course and my modern physics course, present student responses to instruction, and discuss several resources that I have found to be helpful.

10:35 to 10:50 - 15 minute presentation

Title: Physics Belonging for Elementary Teacher Candidates through STEAM Challenge Activities and Physics Videos  

Presenters: E.J. Bahng, Athena Jiang, & John Hauptman

Abstract: A team consisting of a teacher educator, an educational technology instructional designer, and an experimental physicist will showcase one week of a physics content course (Phys 102L).  This course incorporates an innovative curriculum that aims to integrate STEM and the Arts (STEAM) hands-on activities as well as a weekly 5-min physics video as its sole performance-based assessment. This week, Measuring Charge and Current, is one of 11 weeks and is aligned with the NGSS core ideas of Engineering, Electrostatic forces, Solar Energy and Electrical circuits (ETS and PS). The physics content storyline is developed and aligned with the one-hour lecture followed by two two-hour hands-on lab sessions, and consists of Measuring Charge with hand-made electroscopes to explore electrostatic forces (Coulomb’s law), Measuring Current in solar panels in series and parallel circuits to learn the concepts of voltage and current, the performance of solar panels to run a small electric motor, and the engineering design of a simple solar car.  Finally, we will show class artifacts and student learning represented in 5-min physics videos. 

10:55 to 11:10 - 15 minute presentation

Title: Going Beyond the Textbook: Standing Sound Waves in Tubes

Presenter: John Zwart

Abstract: Expressions derived in introductory physics texts often start with simplifying assumptions, such as assuming no friction or air resistance when deriving the equations of motion or using a small angle approximation when finding the period of a pendulum.  However, it is easy to forget those initial assumptions when using the experssions.  This can lead to frustration in the lab when one tries to use simplified equations in situations where they don’t quite fit.  Looking explicitly at situations where simplified equations don’t work can help students develop a deeper understanding of physics. As an example of this, we’ll consider standing sound waves in tubes.  Most texts assume that, at resonance, a standing wave anti-node is at the end of the tube.  With this assumption, a simple formula relating wavelength to tube length can be derived.  Limitations of this assumption can be explored with a relatively simple experiment and a length correction factor can be found.

11:15 to 11:45 - 30 minute Presentation

Presenter: Stefan Stoianov

Info: A presentation demonstrating two lab set-ups.


11:50 to 12:00 - 10 minute Presentation

Presenter: Tony McCutchan


12:00 to 12:05 - Video Presentation

Presenter: Scott Schultz


12:10 to 12:30 - 20 minute presentation

Presenter: Dale Stille

Abstract: I will show several new lecture demonstrations and then open a discussion as to how to use them, whether they are adaptable to a lab, or good for other applications. Featured will be a Ring Plasma demo and a Hydrophilic/3D printing demo, plus others.


12:30 to 1:30 - Lunch

1:30 to 2:00 -  IAAPT Business Meeting 


Additional Info: Membership dues for IAAPT is $10, collected at meeting.