We are pleased to announce that the annual meeting of the Iowa Chapter of AAPT will be held Saturday, Nov. 3rd, 2018 at Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa.  This meeting will be hosted by Kristen Thompson and feature the current upgrading of their planetarium projector.  Please mark your calendars for this upcoming event.

Dues - IAAPT meeting registration/dues are $7.00 payable at the registration table at the meeting site on Nov. 3rd.  Noon Meal/Business Meeting - The IAAPT business meeting will take place after eating the noon meal.  Your meeting registration comes with an automatic one year IAAPT membership so all may attend and add input at the meeting.

For Lunch, we can either order takeout or use on campus facilities.  We have the cafeteria as well as an Einstein’s Bagel shop.  We also have lots of places that will do take-out or delivery, such as Jimmy Johns, Pizza, etc.  The decision on which lunch option will be decided at the start of the meeting.  Members will pay for their own lunch.

Consider giving a talk or presentation at this meeting if at all possible.  Send all abstracts to dale-stille@uiowa.edu and we will get them posted to the website as they are received.  

More information about this meeting will be announced as it become available.