The 2016 IAAPT meeting will be held in Van Allen Hall, Lecture Room 1 (Note the room change from previous announcements), Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa.


Our own Dr. Bill Kurth will be giving a key note address on the Juno spacecraft mission and the latest information coming from Jupitor.

Cornelia Lang will be giving a short presentation about the new Hawkeyes in Space exhibit at the Old Capitol Museum when we take our tour there right after lunch.

  • Dues - IAAPT meeting registration/dues are $7.00 payable at the registration table at the meeting site on Nov. 5th.
  • Noon Meal/Business Meeting - The IAAPT business meeting will take place as we are eating the noon meal.  Your meeting registration comes with an automatic one year IAAPT membership so all may attend and add input at the meeting.  The cost of this years meal will be $10 or less depending on head count total.  If you wish the noon meal please send an e-mail to
  • Meeting Announcement
  • Meeting Pictures
  • Minutes
  • Abstracts  (Word) or (PDF) and Tentative Schedule
  • Maps
    • There is free surface parking available in the lot on the northwest corner of Iowa Ave. and Gilbert St. as indicated on the map.  DO NOT park in the row closest to the building on the West side of that lot as that is reserved parking on the weekends.  The entrance to this lot is located off of Gilbert St.
    • A parking ramp is located on the South West corner of Iowa Ave. and Gilbert St as indicated on the map.  The entrance is located off of Iowa Ave.