Prairie Section of the American Physical Society homepage

  • Welcome Letter and Call for Papers
  • Directions : 
    • To the Iowa Memorial Union From I-80
    • Exit at Dubuque St. South which is exit #244
    • Go south into Iowa City on Dubuque Street
    • Take a right at Market Street (one way going west)
    • Follow Market until it ends (3 blocks), take a left.
    • Immediately the Iowa Memorial Union is on your right 
    • The parking ramp is directly East of the building (across the street)
  • Minutes
  • Meeting Program, Session Info and Abstracts, Etc.

The IAAPT agenda for Saturday Nov. 14 should be something like this:

Registration will be from 8:00 till 9:00 on the second floor of the Iowa Memorial Union ( IMU ) at the south end of the building.  Parking can be had in the ramp located just across the street to the east of the IMU.
Coffee and Donuts will be available.

APS sessions on Particle Physics and Condensed Matter are scheduled from 8:30 till 10:00 and from 10:30 till 11:30.

The IAAPT business meeting will go from 10:00 till we are done but no later than 11:30.

The co-sponsored IAAPT / APS session begins at 11:30 in Rm 243 (Ballroom) of the IMU presided over by Wade Sick.  We have one invited speaker and 5 contributing speakers in this session.  The session will end at 1:06 pm.

We will walk as a group to the Devotay restaurant which features cuisine with an Iowa City flair.  We should be at the restaurant by 1:20. Pre-ordering can be done at registration to help speed things up and keep on schedule.  A menu featuring most of the items can be seen at:

2:30 should find us in the Van Allen building less than a block south of the restaurant in Lecture Room 1 (LR1) where we will have a short demo show featuring some of the large scale demonstrations here at the Physics Department.

3:30 or sooner - Meeting Ends.