Grants & Scholarships



M.S. STEM Education (Online Degree)

  • The Teaching and Learning Department of the College of Education offers a completely online STEM Education Masters degree.  All courses in the program are 8 week, asynchronous online courses.  The program has been built to be a flexible option for working professionals.  While the primary audience is in-service K-12 teachers, being a licensed teacher is not a requirement for admission.  Several current students are working in informal STEM education positions.  Some of the coursework for the program involves students learning about and participating in STEM education and STEM outreach programs.

Master of Arts in Teaching Physics at Stony Brook

The Stony Brook MAT Program in Physics has been named by the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) as one of the most outstanding physics teacher preparation programs in the United States.  Requiring a BS in Physics or equivalent ensures that our students are well equipped to teach physics.  We are one of the top producers of physics teacher graduates in the United States.  In six of the past seven years, we have graduated five or more physics teachers which has been recognized by the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers.  This positions Stony Brook in approximately the top five universities in the country in the training and production of physics teachers.  Physics teachers on Long Island and the surrounding region generally have highly favorable working conditions and competitive salaries.  To apply please use the link above.  

Check out University of Northern Iowa's Physics/Engineering 3+2 program - you get a physics degree from UNI in 3 years and an engineering degree from Iowa or Iowa State in 2 years.  Two degrees in 5 years.  Those degrees act as a multiplier in the number and variety of job prospects.

Iowa STEM Teacher Externship Program - Teacher Externships are full-time, six-week temporary summer positions in local businesses and agencies for secondary teachers of Mathematics, Science and/or Technology.  Teachers earn a stipend of up to $5000 (including two paid professional development days), as well as three graduate credits through the University of Northern Iowa's Continuing Education Program.  Learn more about Teacher Externships by reading the Brochure.

Large Hadron Collider Experiment

LHC Homepage

Large Hadron Rap